Research Description

In order to achieve the aforementioned “Scientific & Innovation” and “Business & Impact” objectives, the consortium will adopt the following methodology (see also Figure 1):

Figure 1: Schematic description of LOCUS methodology

  1. Use cases, requirements and specifications definition: Within WP2, the SoTA of LOCUS and relevant 5G ecosystem technologies will be investigated. A set of initial scenarios, where the LOCUS technologies could enhance the current approaches has already been defined as described in the following section. It is expected that within the first six months partners will have collected and analysed technical requirements, trends and market drivers. Performance requirements in the form of specific metrics/KPIs will be addressed (WP2, Task 2.1).
  2. Architecture and Security/Privacy design: Driven by the detailed description of the use cases, this set of requirements will be translated in a concrete end-to-end architecture design. The architecture will take into account all aspects related to the enablement of localization solutions, location analytics and of vertical services utilizing location information. Furthermore, a secure approach for location data sharing, data provision/exchange by users, services and components will be designed, taking into account the privacy of the users and the relevant EU and local regulations framework. These tasks are considered horizontally, i.e. related to whole project work, therefore it is expected that several iterations with the related work on localization, analytics algorithms and platform implementation will take place up to M24 (WP2, T2.2-T2.3).
  3. Design of techniques & algorithms for the various LOCUS technologies: Starting from the same use case requirements, the theoretical foundations and algorithmic design for the core LOCUS technologies will take place in WP3, WP4 & WP5. The work will involve theoretical aspects, practical techniques and algorithms to: (i) enable localization in LOCUS (5G-based, integration with non-3GPP Technologies and device-free solutions), (ii) investigate the integration of localization functions in future 5G deployments, using innovative analytics and intelligence (AI) for network management, and (iii) address algorithms related to localization and analytics in support of new services on top of 5G (WP3, WP4, WP5 respectively).
  4. Scientific validation step: Only the best approaches (based on concrete KPIs) will be selected to be included in the final implementation and demonstration phase. This validation phase will be mostly based on smaller-scale simulations, initial measurements, historical data from operators, and open source datasets if necessary:
  • SV#1.5G Terminal Localization: The concept will initially be verified through simulations. A subset of the most promising candidate methodologies will be implemented for system verification, and candidate concepts suitable for the final PoCs of LOCUS will be demonstrated.
  • SV#2.Integration with non-3GPP Technologies: Simulations using raw and derived observables, and system verification of low-complexity fusion algorithms of 3GPP and non-3GPP technologies that provide candidate solutions to go beyond the requirements of the 3GPP positioning service levels in Rel. 16.
  • SV#3.Device-free Localization: Simulations and real experiments will be utilized in order to prove the capabilities of device-free localization targeting the fundamental physical limits.
  • SV#4.Analytics: validation will be achieved via (a) simulations, (b) verification through historical operator and testbed data and (c) proof of concept demonstration. Criteria will involve the validity and successful abstraction of location information and data analytics, the accuracy of network measurement/KPI predictions, and the resulting enhanced per-use case network management and vertical services KPIs.
  1. Implementation Step (Development of the LOCUS platform, implementation of relevant algorithms/ APIs/ Apps for vertical services): Following the theoretical work, the implementation of a virtualization platform capable to support localization data processing and analytics functions for the control and management of the instantiated network slices and services will take place (T4.3). Concerning the vertical applications on top of 5G, the appropriate data structures, APIs for 3rd party applications and mechanisms for enabling the update of the high-level data structures will be described and implemented (T5.2). Core primitives for exposing localization service and network analytics will be implemented, so that an “API layer” capable to support abstract definitions of location information and related analytics is exposed to application developers (T5.3). Apps related to the final demonstrations will also be deployed (WP4, WP5).
  2. Demonstration/PoCs Phase: This phase is the culmination of the project’s work as it involves the demonstration of the previously selected scenarios, involving various technologies of LOCUS and displaying the interoperation of the various components. For the successful deployment, the various technologies will be verified through real operator data and -where available- in testbeds accessible to the partners.

In parallel, all contractual, technical, administrative issues and knowledge management will be addressed in WP1, while communication, dissemination, standardization and exploitation of LOCUS outcomes will take place in WP7.