Founded in 1876 and headquartered in Stockholm, Ericsson is a global leading provider of ICT equipment and services to network operators and adjacent industries all around the world. It is one of the few companies that offer end-to-end solutions for all major mobile communications standards from 2G to 4G now to 5G. With about 95,000 employees serving customers in more than 180 countries, we are using innovation to empower people, business and society as we work towards the Networked Society. Today more than 40 percent of the world’s mobile traffic goes through networks using Ericsson’s products and we support networks that services more than 2.5 billion subscribers. Ericsson is positioned as the leading mobile infrastructure provider with 50% mobile market share, with a relevant portfolio of 39000 IPRs and more than 20% of its employees working in R&D.
The organization within Ericsson which will be engaged in the project, called Ericsson Research, provides Ericsson with system concepts, technology and methodology, to secure long term competitive product provisioning.
Profile of key persons:
- Stefano Stracca (male) received the degree in Electronic Engineering from University of Rome in 1988. He joined Ericsson in 1990. He consolidated a long-time experience in telecommunication networks and nodes, digital system engineering. He is co-author of 13 patent filings and several scientific publications. In recent years he worked extensively on Optical Transport solutions for 5G networks, developing from idea to actual implementation in demonstrators the digital layer of an integrated front- and back-haul optical network concept. He also held the role of coordinator of the EU FP7 project IRIS, that has developed an innovative device with an unprecedented integration scale of photonics components in a 3D-stacked Photonic/Electronic IC ensemble.
- Marzio Puleri (male) is a Master Researcher in packet networks radio systems and Industrial IoT at Ericsson. He holds a Master degree in electronic engineering from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Since 1993 he has been working in Ericsson. He has a deep experience in microelectronics, system on chip design, automated system level design methodologies, packet switching, IP-based networks, radio networks, optical packet networks, Artificial Intelligence, network diagnostics, robotics. He led teams for the development of electronic and monolithic microwave integrated circuits and for packet switching systems related to radio-mobile gateways. He was system manager and technical coordinator in international projects related to the design and the development of microwave point-multipoint radio transport networks for mobile backhaul applications. In 2008 he joined Ericsson Research, focusing on optical packet networks and 4G/5G mobile networks and since 2014 also on IoT and robotic applications. He worked on several projects financed by Italian ministry of education and research MIUR, was responsible of two research projects financed by the Tuscany region in Italy and a third one on photonics still running. He leads also the Ericsson research activities in the European projects Corealis and 5G-EVE. He holds more than 10 patents and over 10 papers.
- Teresa Pepe (female) received her Laurea degree in Telecommunication Engineering “cum laude” on September 2008 from the University of Pisa. On November 2008 she won a grant funded by the MIUR for a PhD position in Information engineering at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa and in 2012 she obtained her PhD, discussing a thesis on Network Security. She is actually an Experienced Researcher at Ericsson Research, Pisa. Her expertise mainly concerns IP networks, network function virtualization, architectures and Control plane solutions for Packet/Optical networks, 4G/5G mobile networks and IoT and robotic applications. She has worked in several research projects funded by Italian MIUR and EU.
- Stefano Ruffini (male), received the degree in Electronic Engineering from University of Rome in 1991. He is one of the Ericsson experts working on the 5G Sync and Transport solutions. He has been working on synchronization aspects for almost 25 years. He is currently actively contributing to ITU-T SG15 Q13 (serving as Rapporteur) and IEEE1588 as well as to other relevant standardization bodies and forums. Stefano is also a member of the WSTS (ATIS/NIST Workshop on Synchronization and Timing Systems) executive committee and ITSF (International Timing and Sync Forum) Vice Chair. He is co-author of more than 60 patent filings and several scientific publications.