LOCUS has already reached its mid-life and the consortium has a good record of collaborations and networking activities within different partners of the project, and with external stakeholders. Therefore, we have a solid backbone structure to advance our innovation and exploitation plans, already defined in D7.5. Since the submission of D7.5, the project has successfully set a record of outcomes in respect to IPR, standardization contributions, key publications and enhancement on products, features and services harnessing localization. During the latest months, the partners have selected a subset of innovations jointly conceived within LOCUS which can have a potential of commercialization and exploitation. This deliverable summarizes such main innovation and exploitation outcomes within LOCUS.
The LOCUS value proposition lies on the wide telecom ecosystem coverage of its industrial and academic partners covering all is needed for complete, secure, accurate and reliable end-to-end location-based analytics services. In this deliverable, we are not simply listing and summarizing the exploitation plans of each partner, but we first categorize the exploitation characteristic work of each partner and try to list the exploitation plans within a common LOCUS frame and then define each partner acting role within this frame. By properly linking different partners’ relations with each other, we obtained a LOCUS preliminary business model, which will progress till the end of the project, with a link to suppliers and customers within the localization industry and possible creation of spinoffs from the project.
The deliverable D7.6 provides an analysis of the potential industrial impact of LOCUS, structured around the identification of roles and stakeholders, and the main technology trends. The general framework for industrial contributions has been highlighted including market situation and trends, opportunities for formal standardization, contributions to relevant open-source communities, and other industrial collaborative initiatives. An advanced and detailed business analysis with a preliminary high level business model is provided in this deliverable, including a SWOT analysis. We expect to provide a more complete business model by the end of the project in D7.7.
Finally, the deliverable D7.6 sets the ground for further exploitation and dissemination efforts and will facilitate the industrial impact of LOCUS during the lifetime of the project and beyond. Work on consolidation and further expansion of exploitation plans, both for individual partners and jointly within the Consortium, will continue in the project, to capture and quantify emerging business opportunities for LOCUS solutions.
LOCUS partners and target stakeholders