Orange Labs represents Orange Group’s global innovation network entity which anticipates technological revolutions and imagines tomorrow’s technologies. It reflects the Group’s ambition to put perpetual innovation at the heart of its strategy, firmly focused on its clients. As the principal source of innovation for the Group, it holds more than 7,500 registered patents. Consisting of 3,600 researchers in 17 laboratories on four continents (8 in France and 9 in Europe, America, Africa and Asia), its scope and coverage enable it to detect all technological breakthroughs and encourage partnerships. Orange Labs extensively collaborates with operators, manufacturers, universities and other R&D centres. It is also actively involved in standardisation and regulation bodies such as 3GPP, O-RAN or ITU-R. The team involved in LOCUS has a strong expertise in network management, AI, learning techniques and self-organizing networks mainly for the radio access segment. The team includes senior expert researchers, post-doc fellows and PhD students, and had active participation in several European projects such as FARAMIR, SEMAFOUR and UniverSelf. The team belongs to the Group in charge of defining group recommendations for Orange affiliates on RAN engineering and optimization including geo-location and analytics for RAN management.
Profile of key persons:
- Sana Ben Jamaa (female) is a senior research expert in Orange Labs. She received the engineering diploma of the École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Bretagne, Brest, France, in 2001 and her Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in the École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, France. Since 2004 she has been working as a research engineer and project manager at Orange Labs. Her research interests include mobile/wireless communications, heterogeneous networks cooperation, machine learning, self-organising networks and cognitive network management. She has received the France Télécom Remarkable PhD Award for her thesis dissertation, and co-received the France Télécom Innovation Prize in 2004. Dr. Ben Jemaa has participated in the FP7 projects E3, Faramir and SEMAFOUR.
- Zwi Altman (male) is a senior research expert in Orange Labs. His domains of interest include Massive MIMO, Active Antenna Systems, optimisation and SON for mobile, SDN and network slicing. He has participated in several collaborative projects related to SON, including Gandalf (as a coordinator), Homesnet (Celtic), UniverSelf, SEMAFOUR, LexNet (FP7), Ecocells and Idefix (ANR). He co-received the France Telecom Innovation Prize (2004), the IEEE Wheeler Award (2005), the Celtic Excellence Award for the Eureka Celtic Gandalf project (2008) and the Homesnet project (2013), the best paper awards in the IEEE Conferences CNMS (2011) and EuCNC (2015).