
LOCUS dissemination and communication activities are built on four pillars:

  1. Open source contributions and interaction with several free and open source (FOSS) communities from low Technology Readiness Level (TRL), to support new promising initiatives, up to TRL 5 and above, tested and included in already established open source projects. LOCUS industrial partners have a strong commitment to open source activities.
  2. Demonstration through “open” PoCs: LOCUS concepts will be demonstrated through PoCs tested in relevant environments (TRL 5). The PoCs will be also made available to third parties for running additional experiments.
  3. Active Involvement in the main stakeholder standardization bodies: LOCUS partners will regularly attend and contribute to standardization bodies targeting novel technologies in the 5G networks area (3GPP, ETSI, IETF/IRTF, NGMN); in 3GPP, for instance, we will consider 3GPP New Radio (the 3GPP name of 5G air interface) as state of the art and investigate techniques providing better performance than the one targeted in 3GPP (low TRL). Second, we will consider 3GPP-based solution as the baseline of project solution and improve them from implementation / optimization / use of data standpoint for a short to mid-term deployment (middle TRL). Finally, we will contribute to 3GPP to impact the definition of positioning techniques (higher TRL).
  4. Community development through targeted events (Hackathons, Open Source hacking events and other Industry Events): to promote our results in open communities and increase the adoption of results, Hackathon sessions will be organized where LOCUS software will be improved (e.g., in terms of missing features). In addition, OpenStack summits may be used as a vehicle to promote LOCUS results in the community. “Marketing-oriented” presentations at industry events will be also organized (e.g. in Mobile world Congress MWC), Open Networking Summit (ONS), ITS European Congress, etc.)

In order to maximize and optimize effort it is important to keep the Project Dissemination records continuously updated (see pages Dissemination and Publications).

Together with this website, the LOCUS main communication are LinkedIn and Twitter pages.