5G-SMART | Ericsson | IIoT | Getting positioning advices from LOCUS team on IIoT scenario | Close relation with industries, and taking the inputs to real test-beds | Sweden | Aug-20 |
CEF ODALA | NEC | | Using location-based services for assessing the mobility patterns | Close relation with Heidelberg City and possible test-bed in the near future | Germany | 11-Sep |
Privately-owned Campus Landfried | NEC | IoT | Creating a smart campus with IOT | The campus will collaborate with the City of Heidelberg. Activities to create a Digital Innovation Hub including tour through the area, design thinking sessions for need-finding. | Heidelberg, Germany | 11-Sep |
5GPos | CNIT, IMDEA, SAMS, ERI | Automotive, GNSS positioning, Paper proposal | Aligning 5G positioning views for both projects | R&D collaboration | Sweden | Jul-20 |
PinPoint5G+ | IMDEA | | Positioning and network management | R&D collaboration | Spain | 14-Sep |
CEF ODALA | NEC | CEF ODALA project | EU project | R&D collaboration with cities | Europe | 2021-2022 |
HumAid | NEC Laboratories Europe, NEC Japan, ICRC | Humanitarian Aid Collaboration Project | Joint project collaboration | R&D collaboration for humanitarian applications and mine action | Japan & EU | 2020-2022 |