Dissemination – Collaborations with related projects

Joint Collaboration with LOCUSPartner Involved/ProposerName of the activityType of activityTarget (e.g., R&D collaboration)LocationDate
5G-SMARTEricssonIIoTGetting positioning advices from LOCUS team on IIoT scenarioClose relation with industries, and taking the inputs to real test-bedsSwedenAug-20
CEF ODALANECUsing location-based services for assessing the mobility patternsClose relation with Heidelberg City and possible test-bed in the near futureGermany11-Sep
Privately-owned Campus LandfriedNECIoTCreating a smart campus with IOTThe campus will collaborate with the City of Heidelberg. Activities to create a Digital Innovation Hub including tour through the area, design thinking sessions for need-finding.Heidelberg, Germany11-Sep
5GPosCNIT, IMDEA, SAMS, ERIAutomotive, GNSS positioning, Paper proposalAligning 5G positioning views for both projectsR&D collaborationSwedenJul-20
PinPoint5G+IMDEAPositioning and network managementR&D collaborationSpain14-Sep
CEF ODALANECCEF ODALA projectEU projectR&D collaboration with citiesEurope2021-2022
HumAidNEC Laboratories Europe, NEC Japan, ICRCHumanitarian Aid Collaboration ProjectJoint project collaborationR&D collaboration for humanitarian applications and mine actionJapan & EU2020-2022