White paper on “Empowering Vertical Industries through 5G Networks – Current Status and Future Trends”

On September the 9th at 11:00 CET, the 5G Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) and the 5G Infrastructure Association (5G IA) will co-organize a webinar to present the key findings of the latest white paper on “Empowering Vertical Industries through 5G Networks – Current Status and Future Trends”, where LOCUS contributed together with other 5G PPP projects.

This white paper summarizes the progress and results produced by 5G PPP projects, while developing some innovative 5G network services and solutions for vertical industries.
The white paper provides information about requirements and addressed business cases.
It also discusses in detail several exemplary use cases from eleven different vertical sectors and identifies key 5G features that have been used to meet the specified requirements.

Note that the webinar will be limited to a maximum of 200 participants on the basis of the order of registration.

The agenda and registration form is available at: https://5g-ppp.eu/event/webinar-empowering-vertical-industries/


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pdf 5GPPP-VerticalsWhitePaper-2020-Final 2 September 2020 15:55 5 MB 17215